Ylfeban's Trickery

Ylfeban's Trickery can drop anywhere. It can be chanced. Ylfeban's Trickery belongs to a special group of unique items called league-specific items, which can be obtained from certain divination cards and other sources in addition to their normal acquisition methods.Ylfeban's Trickery can be created from the following recipes:


Trigger Level 10 Shock Ground when Hit

Adds 1 to (60-80) Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks

(130-170)% increased Energy Shield

+(25-35)% to Lightning Resistance

Curse Enemies which Hit you with a random Hex, ignoring Curse Limit

An angry god is one thing,but you should really fear a god with an unpredictable sense of humour.

A simple tool to price check your items in path of exile by "copy and paste". It is that simple!

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