The Rippling Thoughts

(span class="tc -mod")Grants Summon Harbinger of the Arcane Skill(/span): Summons an immortal Harbinger minion. The minion will occasionally cast Arcane Surge on the player, granting more spell damage and increased mana regeneration. This buff has the same effect as a Level 21 Arcane Surge Support gem. This effect does not stack, and only one instance of the buff will affect the character.


40% increased Global Accuracy Rating

Grants Summon Harbinger of the Arcane Skill

Trigger Level 20 Storm Cascade when you Attack

(75-90)% increased Spell Damage

(140-160)% increased Physical Damage

Adds 1 to (60-70) Lightning Damage

Adds 1 to (60-70) Lightning Damage to Spells

10% increased Area of Effect

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