The Coward's Trial

The Coward's Trial is in the current map series (Settlers) for the Atlas of Worlds. This map contains the initial spawn room and four sequentially connected floors. Each floor must be fully cleared to spawn the stairs to the next area.


Contains waves of Monsters

Contains additional waves of Undead Monsters

(0 to 7 random additional waves modifiers)Area contains additional waves of GhostsArea contains additional waves of Oriathan ZombiesArea contains additional waves of PhantasmsArea contains additional waves of Raging SpiritsArea contains additional waves of Bone RhoasArea contains additional waves of Ravager MawsArea contains additional waves of Zombies

For his sins he was hunted in his sleep,judgement wrought of twisted nightmare.The Coward bound his dreams to stone, awaitinganother to walk the path of true atonement.

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Hardcore Settlers


