The Anvil

The Anvil can be created from the following recipes:The Anvil requires a minimum area and monster level of 45-ish, to drop. The level is the same as the level of area and monster that can drop a minimum item level of 45 Amber Amulet. This is due to character level 45 is required to equip The Anvil.[1] It does not require level 45 or above to orb of chance the item, however.[2]


+(20-30) to Strength

(10-15)% Chance to Block Attack Damage

10% reduced Attack Speed

10% reduced Cast Speed

+(400-500) to Armour

(34-48) Life gained when you Block

(18-24) Mana gained when you Block

+3% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage

Reflects 240 to 300 Physical Damage to Attackers on Block

Forge your Perseverance on the Anvil of Faith.

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Popular Builds

[3.0] Hybrid firestorm, Occultist, 4 curses, 75/75 block, Xirgil's Crank

[3.0] Spellomancer, Facetank 95%, clear 99.9% of the game with ease, Max Block.

[3.3] Fourmulaic Summoner - Skeletons + Spectres/Flame Golems

[3.0] Unstoppable Gladiator 78% Max Block/Spells

[3.2] Bleed-Explo Blocker Gladiator Bladeflurry

[3.1] Bashtart's ELE POISON GLADIATOR<>Volkuur's Molten Strike<>

[3.2] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block