Stone of Lazhwar | ||||
Stone of Lazhwar can be created from the following recipes:Stone of Lazhwar has legacy variants. | ||||
+(20-30) to Intelligence (12-15)% Chance to Block Spell Damage (15-20)% increased Cast Speed +(40-70) to maximum Mana You are slow, foolish and ignorant.I am not. | ||||
A simple tool to price check your items in path of exile by "copy and paste". It is that simple! | ||||
Price in Leagues | ||||
Settlers |
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Hardcore Settlers |
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Standard |
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Popular Builds | ||||
[3.0] Freezer Burn - AB AoF MoM EO, Cheap, Fun, Screw the Meta [3.1] Necro Baron SRS/Zombies Build (MoM/EB) [3.0] The Azure Knight (Flurry/Frost Blades/Multi-class/Budget/Crit/Life/Conversion) Shaper/Uber | ||||