Snakebite | ||||
The modifier (span class="tc -mod")Attacks have 60% chance to Poison while at maximum Frenzy Charges(/span) is affected by modifiers that increase or decrease maximum frenzy charges. Most notably, using three Pacifism unique jewels with no additional maximum frenzy charges will reduce the maximum number of frenzy charges to zero, effectively permanently granting a chance to poison. Alternatively, two Pacifisms and the modifier (span class="tc -mod")+(1-2) to Minimum Frenzy Charges(/span) from Redeemer-influenced items or the crafted modifier (span class="tc -craft")+1 to Minimum Frenzy Charges(/span) also work. | ||||
(150-180)% increased Evasion Rating +(60-70) to maximum Life 2% increased Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge 6% increased Accuracy Rating per Frenzy Charge 10% reduced Frenzy Charge Duration per Frenzy Charge Attacks have 60% chance to Poison while at maximum Frenzy Charges +5% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison per Frenzy Charge "As the serpent shuns thought,It shuns fear.It strikes with the speed of wrathAnd the skill of compulsion."- Deshret, The Red Sekhema | ||||
A simple tool to price check your items in path of exile by "copy and paste". It is that simple! | ||||
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[3.15] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, easy and fun to play, beginner friendly | ||||