
This item can be acquired from the following monsters:Shimmeron has legacy variants.


Adds (3-5) to (70-82) Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks

(30-40)% increased Spell Damage

Adds (26-35) to (95-105) Lightning Damage to Spells

+(6-10)% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge

+0.3% Critical Strike Chance per Power Charge

+2% Chance to Block Spell Damage per Power Charge

Adds 3 to 9 Lightning Damage to Spells per Power Charge

200 Lightning Damage taken per second per Power Charge if

your Skills have dealt a Critical Strike Recently

All at once, a calmness would encompass them,and all at once, it would be torn away,unveiling forms no sound mind could grasp.

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Popular Builds

[3.3] SeaBaller, Totem Arc Hierophant, Mind over Matter

[3.3] dookleeto's Storm Call Crit Totem Hierophant

[3.3] Low Life Shimmeron Arc Mines | Uber Elder

[3.2] Abyssal GC Miner by Zoroan

[3.3] Stored Lightning Bolt - CantripN's Lightning Trapper.