Replica Abyssus

Replica Abyssus has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced. Replicas can be obtained from Curio Displays in the final reward rooms of any Grand Heist.Replica Abyssus can be created from the following recipes:


+(20-25) to all Attributes

Adds 40 to 75 Fire Damage to Attacks

Adds 30 to 65 Cold Damage to Attacks

Adds 10 to 130 Lightning Damage to Attacks

+(100-125)% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier

(100-120)% increased Armour

(40-50)% increased Elemental Damage taken

"While Prototype #3 does imbue its wearer with strength to match the original,the first researcher to don it burst into flames when he walked into sunlight..."

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