
(span class="tc -mod")Trigger Level 10 Assassin's Mark when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy(/span): See Assassin's Mark. Assassin's Mark triggered by Oskarm has a cooldown of 0.5 seconds. It cannot apply Assassin's Mark if any monster in the area is currently already marked by you.[1]


(30-40)% increased Global Accuracy Rating

+(40-50) to maximum Life

-(20-10)% to Chaos Resistance

+(10-12)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage

Trigger Level 10 Assassin's Mark when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy and have no Mark

2% increased Attack Critical Strike Chance per 200 Accuracy Rating

Land and sea did not dissuade,nor did the Kelpie's maw;the wild beast crossed half the worldto sate his hungry claw.

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