Might of the Meek

Cluster Jewel passives cannot be affected by radius jewels' effects, even if they are within the radius. Might of the Meek can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.


50% increased Effect of non-Keystone Passive Skills in Radius

Notable Passive Skills in Radius grant nothing

Enough mice can kill a wolf.

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Popular Builds

[3.1] Windz's GC Miner Sabo (HC/SC, Shaper, Uber Atziri, Guardian & Uber lab viable)

[3.4] Guffin's McFlurry Flurry

[3.4] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike / Molten Strike

[3.4] KissMeQuick's Ultra Regen Blade Vortex Tank

[3.4] Guffin's Rain of Hope

[3.4] Asymat's "Purenado Shot"

[3.4] Elemental Hit Ascendant