Jaws of Agony

Power Charge on throwing a trap: The player has a chance to gain a power charge when a trap is thrown, regardless of whether the trap is triggered. This effect works independently from notable passive Blast Cascade. Necromantic Aegis grants power charges to minions that throw traps.[2]


+5% chance to Suppress Spell Damage

Grants Level 25 Bear Trap Skill

(18-28)% increased Trap Damage

(15-25)% increased Global Physical Damage

+(60-80) to maximum Life

-(18-14) Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits

25% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Throw a Trap

One wrong step triggers destruction.Agony slowly dominates the will to live.

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Hardcore Settlers




Popular Builds

[3.1] Freezing Pulse - Elementalist - Pen Stack - Guardian/Shaper/Uber

[3.0] The Azure Knight (Flurry/Frost Blades/Multi-class/Budget/Crit/Life/Conversion) Shaper/Uber

[3.0] SC Shatter Machine

[3.0] The Gatling Storm Burster - MOM Crit Life

[3.1] What a Shocking Tri-Element Crit Trapper! [Fire/Ice/Shock Nova Trap build][Shaper Video]

[3.3] Stored Lightning Bolt - CantripN's Lightning Trapper.

[3.4] Guffin's McFlurry Flurry

[3.4] Guffin's Rain of Hope