Inya's Epiphany

Inya's Epiphany can be created from the following recipes:Inya's Epiphany was created by Grinding Gear Games game designer Hrishi.[1]


+(50-70) to maximum Life

25% increased Movement Speed

(5-8)% increased Intelligence

5% increased Damage per Power Charge

25% chance that if you would gain Power Charges, you instead gain up to

your maximum number of Power Charges

Though the path we walk is the same,each journey is different.

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Price in Leagues



Hardcore Settlers




Popular Builds

[3.1] Freezing Pulse - Elementalist - Pen Stack - Guardian/Shaper/Uber

[3.3] 0piate's Tanky Essence Drain Occultist

[3.3] Frosty Duelist - Dual Swords & Frost Blades

[3.1] Demi's TasteTheLemon, CI Or Life Cospri's Malice CoC Discharge Assassin Build Guide

[3.2] Abyssal GC Miner by Zoroan

[3.4]Dual Curse Crit-Based Blade Vortex