
Unlike other more/less damage mod, the more/less damage mod on this item does not multiplicative to themselves. The stat ids behind are local_jewel_magma_orb_damage_+%_final_per_chain_with_40_int_in_radius and local_jewel_magma_orb_damage_+%_final_with_40_int_in_radius. The mods are multiplicative to other more/less damage mods, however, since they are not using local_jewel_magma_orb_damage_+%_final as stat id. The effective damage is:


(10-15)% increased Fire Damage

With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Rolling Magma deals 40% more Damage per Chain

With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Rolling Magma deals 50% less Damage

With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Rolling Magma

has 10% increased Area of Effect per Chain

Izaro gave rise to Chitus.Chitus gave rise to Voll.None could know how it would end.None could stop it.

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[3.1] Vieira's MoM Magma Orb Miner Saboteur | Guardians, Shaper and Uber viable