
Aurumvorax can be created from the following recipes:Aurumvorax has legacy variants.


+25% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier

(120-150)% increased Physical Damage

20% reduced Rarity of Items found

+(40-60)% to all Elemental Resistances

Grants 3 Life per Enemy Hit

Many a collector of rarities discovered to his dismaythat the intelligent spirit in this sworddoes not like to share its master's attention

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Hardcore Settlers




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"Righteous White walker" - RF based on self-freezing effect

[3.0] Spellomancer, Facetank 95%, clear 99.9% of the game with ease, Max Block.

[3.1] Blade Flurry Crit Block Gladiator

[3.1] LACERATING ASSAULTER - Block Tank - Shaper Down

[3.0] SmerlowTV`s Low Life RF/SR Guardian All Content Viable

[3.2] PartyJesus: Running ALL the Auras without Shav's

[3.4] Living Saint: Tanky Aurabot

[3.4] [3.4] Cast on Crawler