Ahn's Heritage

Ahn's Heritage can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.Ahn's Heritage can be created from the following recipes:


+(10-20) to maximum Life

(50-100)% increased Armour

+(60-80) to maximum Life

-1 to Maximum Endurance Charges

-10% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage

+6% Chance to Block

+2% to all maximum Resistances while you have no Endurance Charges

You have Onslaught while at maximum Endurance Charges

"It's not Karui, Azmeri or even Vaal in origin,but one thing is certain. It is very, very old."- Icius Perandus, Antiquities Collection, Item 46

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Hardcore Settlers




Popular Builds

[3.1] Necro Baron SRS/Zombies Build (MoM/EB)