Install our mobile app to price all stash items in your pocket!

A simple tool to price check your items in path of exile by "copy and paste". It is that simple!

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Price Single Item

Price A Stash

Price All Stashes

Price A Shop

T1 Uniques ST League

T1 Uniques HC League

All Uniques

Data Viz

Price Trade Whisper

Mobile Apps

Dashboard (new)

Price a single item

  • To import an item, hover over it in game and press Ctrl+C
  • then click on the textarea below and press Ctrl+V

Ignore my own account names (comma separated):

  • How does it work?
    • The program takes your item and compares similar items other players are selling
    • For non-rare items (uniques, gems, flasks, etc.), we use a method similar to nearest neigbour to determine the price
    • For rare items, in addition to the above, we also run it against a machine learning algorithm to predict the price
    • The price is a good starting point. It can be used as a quick way to determine valuable verse non-valuable items. To get the exact price, you may need to do more fine tuning on the search
  • Read the result
    • "Recommended price" - recommendation is based on similar items. Many options are provided to refine the search
    • "Recommedation based on X items" - X is the number of items based on which the price was calculated. If the price is calculated based on only few items, it may not be accurate
    • "Machine Learning Prediction" - predicted price from the machine learning algorithm. A score is provided to indicate how confidence the prediction is. For advanced users, they can also check a bar chart which shows the value contribution from the top item mods
  • Options
    • manual - it searches predefined undercut 0.85 and uppercut 1.15 of all the mods
    • auto - it will try its best to ensure a match for a rare/unique item by expanding searching range and removing insignificant mods
    • ignore my own account names - you can enter your IGN(s) separated by comma to ignore your own prices

Price each stash

  • Click the links below for your league
  • Input your account name (XXX) at the end of the URL (not your character's name. Shown on GGG webpage as Logged in as XXX)
  • Copy ALL the text from the new page, and paste it into the text area below
  • (Optional) Log in to your path of exile forum may be required
  • (Optional) Change "tabIndex=0" at the end of the URL to import other tabs
  • Generate forum post and update existing forum post by appending this stash tab
  • Note: it may take quite long to finish when there are so many items. The page may be black, but it is processing. Patience is the key.




Hardcore Settlers


Hardcore Phrecia

Ignore my own shop(s) (comma separated):

list Enable ML

  • How does it work?
    • This function allows you to price all the items in a stash tab at once. You can set up price thresholds to high items in the price range you are interested in
    • Options
      • Select the "auto/manual" option in price a single item. It works on stash items as well
      • Input your shop thread id to ignore your own prices using comma separated integer numbers (11111,2222,...) or only one number
      • list - use list instead of grid as the UI
      • Enable ML - use machine learning algorithm to price rare items. Enable this option can accelerate the pricing process

Price trade text

Input a whisper text from or

  • How does it work?
    • This function allows you to price an item which is asked in a line of whisper text
    • This works only with items in the premium stash tabs
    • If the item is gone or moved from the premium stash tab, it will not be found

Price all stashes

  • Pick a league, and Input SessionId
  • Browse any stash tab in your stashes
  • Generate forum post with all included stash tabs
  • Update forum post by appending to the existing one


Enable ML

  • How does it work?
    • This function allows you to price all the items in all the stash tabs you have. You can navigate through different stash tabs
    • Options
      • Select the "auto/manual" option in price a single item. It works on stash items as well
      • Enable ML - use machine learning algorithm to price rare items. Enable this option can accelerate the pricing process

Price a shop

Input your or other' s shop thread id:

This can take many minutes if there are many items.

  • How does it work?
    • This function allows you to price all the items in a forum post by shopid(s)
    • Options
      • Select the "auto/manual" option in price a single item. It works on stash items as well
      • Input your shop thread id using comma separated integer numbers (11111,2222,...) or only one number

Tools we are supporting

  • This is not a GGG site
  • It is for personal fun and is under construction
  • Appreciate your bug report at here
  • Privacy